Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sinn Fein/IRA parades

I have listened to the shinners/provos try to explain and defend their position and rational on their latest terrorist glorification parade in Castlederg. 

The first and most glaringly obvious point is that this parade was organized and supported by Sinn Fein/IRA, and these two provos who blew themselves up, did so in the Irish republic not Castlederg. But that fact has been over looked in their desire to shock and offend and get a reaction out of the Protestant Unionist Loyalist community.

The shocking part of this parade is that the intended location for the shinner/provo bomb was Castlederg. They only reasonable conclusion that anyone can draw from this Castlederg parade, is that they are going out of their way to be offensive by celebrating and glorifying the fact that these two provos were going to kill and maim men, woman and children in Castlederg, incredible. 

More importantly the shinners/provos ignored and snubbed the real victims of their terror in Castlederg, a charge that they have often laid at the door of the Army and the PUL community. 

With the selection of Castlederg the shinners/provos have now moved their terrorist glorification into a new sphere of obnoxiousness. The selection of Castlederg was so crassly offensive it is indefensible no matter how much spin the shinners/provos try to put on it.

One of their more sickening attempts to justify this parade is to equate their terrorist dead to that of the men and women who died in World Wars and other conflicts this is to all decent people disingenuous. However it gives us a great insight into the republican mind set. And when you add this to their claim that the greater percentage of the area is republican/nationalist they sound more and more like the fascists the Protestant Unionist Loyalist community always knew they were.     

After the shinners/provos started defended their decision to parade in Castlederg, they started to thrash around looking for scape goats. So in the next breath they attempted to rubbish the Orange Order and the UVF for requesting and doing exactly the same as what they are doing, I have to say the shinners/provos don’t do irony.

This leaves the shinners/provos juxtaposition rather interesting.

The shinners/provos want nay demand to have a terrorist glorification parade in a shared space yet they are denying the Orange Order the same request, of use of a shared space. The Orange Orders wish to make their way home using the shared space of the Crumlin road??? The shinners/provos demanded that the Orange Order talk to residents and ask permission to use this shared road, yet they did not engage with the other users and victims of Castlederg about using this shared space.

Next they claimed that the UVF are orchestrating protests, and as yet no member of the UVF has been arrested by the psni over taking part in never mind orchestrating any protest. However that can’t be said of the shinner/provo conspired protests, in fact the reality is even a little more stranger. It was the shinners/provos who were the first group to protest at parades, and continues to protest with their shinner/provo backed residents groups.

The hypocrisy from the shinners/provos is astonishing, and this is not even taking into account the fact that their chairman Declan Kearney was on the radio this morning still talking about a shared this and that, incredible. 

The shinners/provos have now lost any claim no matter how tenuous to the media moral high ground, over the UVF and Orange Order with this parade in Castlederg. They are now doing the very thing they are claiming others of doing. 

In every interview they have been claiming that the area of Castlederg has a republican/nationalist majority, thus trying to make the claim that every republican/nationalist who lives there has the same views as them on this parade. Again this is a fascist trait. 

They are now turning into a parody of the old Unionist parties they wanted to get rid of. If the shinners/provos did hypocrisy then it would be the best hypocrisy in the world. 

With the selection of Castlederg for this parade the shinners/provos have now moved terrorist parading issue into a new and offensive sphere and have left themselves in a strangely politically isolated place and all the while they talk of peace.

I can now see a vision of the future, where we have commemoration parades to the Shankill butchers and the Dublin and Monaghan bombings making their way around the shared spaces of Northern Ireland. This is the natural out workings to the shinner/provo parade today.

For those in the Irish republic they need sit up and take notice, because if the shinners/provos take more seats in the republic and get a hint of power and ministries in the republic, they can expect similar politicking in the south.

 I despair for the people of the south they don’t know what they are letting themselves in for.  

The shinners/provos are fascists and the sooner the electorate in the

south waken to those the fact they are going to have the same madness in the south as we are having here in Northern Ireland the better. 

At this point I would like to quote the bible, “sow the wind and reap the


A few chickens are now starting to come home to roost in the south and it’s all because various Irish governments’ acquiesced and pandered to the shinners/provos in an asinine attempt to stick one to the British and keep the shinners/provos at bay.    

In reality all this contrived republican/nationalist parading offence, is all window dressing the parading issue is a deflection from the real issue. That issue is this; since the shinners/provos went into a power sharing government with Unionists they have not moved their united Ireland aspiration one iota. 

In fact in recent opinion polls they are losing ground, and 25% of their own voters don’t want a united Ireland. How do they think they are going to convince Unionists if they are removing flags and contriving parading issues, they haven’t even convinced 100% of their own electorate of the merits of the united Ireland? 

What needs to happen is that both governments need to face down the shinners/provos. But we all know won’t as they don’t have the required back bone and so we better get used to summers like the one we have just had. 

As for the psni, parades commission and the bbc they are no innocent bystanders in is sordid little war. With reckless poling, irrational parades determinations and bias and reckless public broadcasting, we now have the perfect storm of sectarian politics, parades chaos, police ineptitude and public broadcaster propaganda, feeding into a situation that is getting more and more unstable every day. 

If the shinners/provos were to be honest but we know they can't, therefore it's up to me to tell you the truth that dare not speak its name not only in west Belfast but in all republican areas. 

The shinners/provos only speak for and represent themselves; the only thriving industry in west Belfast is the shinner/provo merry-go-round of their old bhoy community workers, shinner/provo ex-prisoner nepotism and the playing to the gallery of their sycophant electoral groupies on parading issues. 

Thus deflecting away from the real day to day matters that affect their electorate. 

The shinners have long cultivated and created a disaffected republican underclass. A disaffected underclass even they are now seemingly embarrassed about. 

An underclass that a few short years ago would have been the street soldiers that the shinners relied upon to keep Belfast and other republican areas unstable and un-policeable. 

Currently this underclass doesn’t fit in with the current shinner/provo agenda. The disaffected underclass is joining the so called dissident groupings who won’t obey the shinner/provo politicos. 

We will just have to wait and see how this pans out in republican areas, as no doubt sometime in the not too distant future when it's politically expedient, the shinners will be using these republican underclass rioters again. 

The reason the shinners don't speak for the teenagers who attend republican bonfires or those in their twenties who need and want jobs and futures. Is because she shinners have achieved nothing for them and continue to achieve nothing. 

Yet they continue to be only voice in west Belfast and have been so for over 30 years??? The shinners and republicans' can't lay that one at the door of the Protestants Unionist Loyalist community, any underclass and under achievement in republican areas is down to the shinners and the shinners alone they cultivated it and nourished it. 

Industry in west Belfast is going InBev gone and Visteon gone, investment conferences that hold their noses as they swish's past West Belfast ferrying ministers and Investors to other parts of Belfast, Hillsborough and Cultra. 

Adams, Maskey and the shinners might have got away with pointing to the lack of investment in this constituency in 1983 and saying: "Nothing to do with me, mate." 30 years on and you'd buy a house in Ross Street quicker than you'd buy that.

All the shinners are interested in is sticking one to the PUL community. They play politics with every issue and this plays well to their blinkered sycophant electoral cannon fodder, as they trot out the some old platitudes about the bad old PUL community.

Here is a cold hard fact; the shinners have created a culture of disaffection and now as proved with the republican bonfires. It's something they can't or maybe don't want to turn off.  They will probably perceive they can get some political advantage out of it. 

No doubt there will be a succession of shinners on condemning the actions of the rioters and praising the psni. The psni are still seen as the enemy, not only by the DHLA (and the IBA) who scribbled the anti psni graffiti on the wall but by the wider republican community not only in west Belfast but across Northern Ireland. 

Yet what do we get, the shinners coming out and praising the psni, criticizing those whom they say they represent and who they created and all this to stick one to the PUL community and their 11th night bonfires and parades. 

If the shinners/provos would do more for their own electorate, the electorate they ad nauseum say they represent they would be better off. If they would start improving their life chances in education, jobs and health they would be far better off. Rather than trying to score cheap sectarian political points at the PUL communities' expense. 

A well-educated, well paid and healthy republican population is a shinner/provo oxymoron. Would a well-educated, well paid and healthy republican population vote for the Marxist in the shinners??? No I didn't think so ether. 

No it's the former that gets the shinners their votes and keeps them in the style they have now become all too well accustomed to. The latter is just too much of your average shinner to comprehend.

It's better for the shinners to keep the people in ghettos than have a prosperous west Belfast and to keep this situation going they need to deflect from their ineptitude and keep sectarian politics at the fore. Keeping the focus of their sycophant electorate on parades, unionists and the orange order is the alpha and omega for the shinners.