Sunday, July 14, 2013

Unionist and Loyal Order Leadership

First and foremost Unionist politicos and Belfast County Grand Lodge need to give better leadership. Unionist politicos are under the delusion that the shinners/provos war is over, they are such naive fools. As for the BCGL they are stuck in the 19th century when we need them to be looking to the future, a future that if they were up to it, could be bright, beautiful and Orange.

There is no point in going over the ashes as to why the shinners/provos called a secession to their terror. We all know they were losing the conflict. More and more of their expert personnel were getting older with less of a belly for the fight, added to the fact that they were infiltrated from the lowest provo to the most senior shinner by Special Branch and MI5. So the only sensible option was to grasp the SDLP olive branch that gives them a face saving way out of their terror.

After moving into this new phase it should not be forgotten that just like the DUP the shinners/provos were not fully committed to the peace arrangements. They still had to see how the republican masses would react. In the end they bought into the process but with an agenda of not working the agreements but to undermine the system from within, and the bonus was that they could do this and get paid by the British to administer British rule, very badly I may add. I think we can all say without fear of contradiction that the shinners/provos are doing a first class shoddy job at administrating British rule in Northern Ireland. The strategy that they are using is to divide and rule.

I must stress again that we should be under no illusion the shinners/provos are waging a war, and it’s a good war, it’s a war on several fronts. It’s war on the streets, it’s a war at Stormont, it’s a class war and it’s a propaganda war.

One of the main aims of this war is to further divide the PUL community along class lines by using parading and schooling. And I have to say they are doing a first class job of it, by using all the complex fronts above as a single strategy.

Unionist politicos are giving the impression that now that we have the Stormont assembly, the Good Friday agreement and the St Andrews agreement, and several polls that say a sizeable majority wish to stay within the UK, we are safe. These polls maybe factually correct, however the facts being played out on the ground and on our TV’s and radios day in and day out is very different.

The reality is that nothing has changed the republican/nationalist sectarian war is on-going and intensifying. On the 12th night Gerry Kelly in a TV interview claimed that a stretch of the Crumlin road is now exclusively romanist and therefore de facto republican, in essence a no go area for the Protestant Unionist Loyalist community.

This claim rather than being rebutted is being given a hint of legitimacy by the parades commission determinations and how the psni police the area or not as the case maybe, along with its shinner/provo politicos.

Here is where the war is being won and lost, republicans have taken on board the situation on the street and in the polls and have now moved their politics and strategy to their phase to use the weapons of parades and class to further alienate working class and middle class Unionists. They are back onto the streets but not in the mass civil disturbances of the 60’s and 70’s, but in a subtle and cunning way and drawing in reactionary Unionist Orange thinking, and they are using the psni, parades commission and residents groups as the spearhead in their war against the PUL community, all very clever stuff.

Unionists and the Orange Order need to wake up and start smelling the rotting smell of decay that is coming from the psni, the parades commission and the shinners/provos. They all need to be seen as the enemies’ weapons and we must take nothing they say as genuine or binding. 

We need to start using the system to defeat the system, why did BCGL not take this irrational decision on the 12th to the courts??? At every turn republicans use the system and the courts!!! Why can’t we???

Is it, it would cost too much??? Well what cost the Union!!! Why can’t they have a list of people who are eligible for legal aid and get them to take the issues to the courts, republicans do it all over Northern Ireland, why can’t we???

The shinners/provos have got the psni and the parades commission eating out of their hands. But more importantly they have the media gorging at the table of propaganda. With Ardoyne and Donegall Street and every other contrived flash point they have the media headline grabbers there waiting for the least indiscretion so it’s the next day’s headline. And with every flash point and bad headline we lose more and more support especially middle class support.

Not that the middle classes don’t have their problems to with the shinners/provos, in the scraping of the 11+ and the inevitable scrapping of grammar schools.

Each issue in their PUL class war is being portrayed by the shinners/provos as mutually exclusive. We won’t help the middle classes because the shinners/provos have turned us against them, and they are turning their backs on us because of the parade disturbances and the lack of support the working class give to the grammar school system.

We don’t support the Unionist middle classes and they won’t support us, very cleaver stuff.

The shinners/provos have made us into pariahs for the Unionist middle classes, with contrived continuous parades, bonfires, the blue bag brigade and irrational parades commission determinations and media performances. And when you throw into the mix the shinners/provos demonization of working class poor education attainment you have the perfect storm. 

Every education minister in the assembly has been a shinner/provo. First there was Martin McGuinness, then Caitriona Ruane now John O’Dowd. During this time they have been emphasising the poor education attainment of our children especially the children from working class PUL communities in inner cities. 

This is their main wepon to ensure that the middle classes will never back the working classes, as they will not want to be dragged into a comprehensive education system.

As for the working classes they have been told by the shinners that the grammar school system is elitist and if you fail the 11+ you are now irrelevant and a failure.

After 15 years of shinner/provo education ministers, it is an indictment on their miss handling of the portfolio that we still have these poor education attainment figures in working class schools. Why are there no hard questions being asked of the shinners/provos and their track record. 15 years is a whole school generation and we are no better off today than we were before they took the job. 
But I suspect that was all part of their strategy. 

Unless all sections of the PUL community come together we are a lost cause, and until the Unionist politicos especially Peter Robinson, wakes up and starts smelling the feces that we are wadding in, we will be drowning in it and I fear that day is not that far off.

A classic example of this can be found on the Saturday after the 12th, Martin McGuinness was in Ardoyne to listen to the republicans.

Where was the leader of Unionism Peter Robinson??? Is he so aloof being first minister that he does not feel the need to meet the working class PUL community on the ground and in their heart lands? Is he saying we are not important enough for the first minister to visit? Does Robinson know where the Shankill, Twaddell Avenue, Woodvale, Crumlin or Ballysillan is? I suppose if he is never seen on the ground in his own constituency of East Belfast and where he lives. There is little or no chance he is ever going to make his way to North Belfast to meet the people he says he leads???

Peter Robinson is not the leader that Unionism needs, and the DUP shenanigans at Stormont are an embarrassment, as for the Orange Order, it’s heading for irrelevance. And I say that with a heavy heart as a former member who left it in exasperation; however I still have the best interests of the Order at heart.

Let me relate a story told to me recently by a colleague. Paisley, had talks with the Tories prior to the signing of the St Andrews agreement. Paisley was aware that Cameron was most likely to win at the next election. However if there was a tight election result the Tories wanted to know if they could rely on DUP help if they needed their votes if there was a small Tory majority.

Paisley aware of Cameron’s willingness to bring in radical policies, asked if they form a government at Stormont would they be able to block homosexual marriage and abortion. Cameron gave those assurances. Weeks later we had a Stormont assembly.

Paisley and the DUP put their own narrow theological religious interests before the greater good of the PUL community. We now have a Stormont assembly working to a shinner and DUP political and theological agendas, not an assembly working for or in the best interests of the majority, but for and to the narrow agenda of the two main parties.

The DUP would rather destroy any Unionist opposition than respect their alternative views and form alliances to defeat the real enemy. However we need only look at their arrogance over the Red Sky debacle and on the Maze issue, to see there destructive mind set.

As for the Orange Order I have contacted them with my concerns and ideas over the years, and they are totally ignored. If they were doing a good job you could understand them ignoring my communications. But the reality is they seem to be rudderless and floundering around with the shinners/provos pulling the strings.

You would think that they would be open to ideas from the PUL community that could assist in getting parades and Organism marching. With a better press, and getting the institution opened to a wider section of the PUL community. 

However they seem to be still living in the 19th century let alone the 21st century. They like the Unionist parties are reactionary and not proactive. We are not media savvy, this lets the republican hoards run rings around them, and with their allies in the media we look prehistoric and obstinate.

The Loyal Orders are by far their own worst enemy, they need to review their future strategy and reflect on where they want to be, not in the next few weeks but in decades ahead. And that goes for the DUP, UUP and the other Unionist parties, but that takes strategic thinking and to be honest I don’t see any. As for the Crumlin road I don’t see them getting back up the road unless they have meaning full talks with republicans. We need to be more confident of our position and go into talks, after all if we talk they can’t put any more restrictions on other than totally ban the parade and the republicans have said in media interviews that they don’t want to stop the parade just respect. Well we should take them up on that challenge and what would we lose? But that needs leadership and do we have a walking, talking, thinking, leader?

After the parades commission gave the determination for the Crumlin road, no return parade. Did they work on the premise that if there is no home parade no one would want to use the Crumlin road to access the greater Ardoyne or Ballysillan???

Gerry Kelly described the area as a 100% catholic in a TV interview on the 12th night, he also said (I Para phrase) “that they will not be walking up this road”.

All fine and dandy Gerry, the implication being that men, women and children from the PUL who live locally can’t use this road, and they need Gerry’s or the shinners permission to use or make their way home along the Crumlin road???

If there is no parade the Orange Order and the Unionist need to get the psni to give assurances that those who wish to use or go to their homes in the greater Ardoyne and Ballysillan areas along the Crumlin road, who are on foot will be facilitated. If they refuse take them to court.

The parades commission and psni can’t demand that they all return home by 8pm, as they are private individuals going about their lawful business.

As for Kelly, I would suggest that Gerry Kelly’s rhetoric needs to be challenged as he stated that, that part of the Crumlin road is now the de facto, “independent Irish catholic republic of Ardoyne”.

All this has come as news to me as I use this area on an almost daily basis. Is this the shared space and future Kelly and the shinners keep telling me about??? I get the impression that when there is a catholic or nationalist/republican majority the shinners and local populous turn into a mirror image of the things they are charging Unionists and the Orange Order off. Strange how things go around.

Do I now need to ask Gerry’s or the shinners permission to access the area???

I find what Kelly said offensive as I’m sure will those from the PUL community who live and work around this area, and those who want to go home via the Crumlin road on the 12th night or any other time of the year for that matter.

Maybe I should put in a Gerry or shinner 11/1916 to get a determination to see if I can use the Crumlin road???

For Gerry in his, independent Irish catholic republic of Ardoyne. Here is an insight into my use of the now, independent Irish catholic republic of Ardoyne, I go to the car wash, I go to the Credit Union, I go to the library, I go to the chemist and shops, and go up and down the Ardoyne and Crumlin road on an almost daily basis.

Memo to self must Gerry’s say so if I want to use the car wash, credit union, library, chemist and shops. Must now carry passport to check in at border control when wishing to enter the, independent Irish catholic republic of Ardoyne, on my way to and from home. As this new statelet is not part of the EU yet and as such there is no open border policy yet.

Lastly and more importantly, Kelly is playing to another gallery; he has an electorate to win back and to play up to. GARC have been giving the shinners a hard time in the “independent Irish catholic republic of Ardoyne” and Kelly and the shinners need to win back some credibility.

At every flash point Unionist politicos both MLA’s and MP’s should be there videoing the goings on of republicans and the psni. There should be a dedicated Orange Order or Unionist facebook and youtube page, just like the shinners have. And I should be specifically dedicated to propaganda, where eyewitness can give their testimony to counter republican propaganda. As for the Orange Order if they call people to protest they need to be there on the front line, not at the Park Avenue hotel wining and dining.


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