Saturday, July 06, 2013


Now that the BBC, Belfast Telegraph, the Irish News, Sinn Fein, the (shinners lite) SDLP, the irrational and discredited parades commission, the Roman Catholic church, the PSNI and Uncle Tom Cobley, have all vented their spleen at the Loyal Orders and the Protestant, Unionist, Loyalist community over an alleged sectarian incident out side an closed empty building.

We now have the absurd situation of Sinn Fein lecturing the Protestant, Unionist and Loyalist community about upholding the law and accepting parades commission's biased determinations. What a strange old world this is.

At this point I would urge everyone in the PUL community, to video and monitor every republican parade more closely. I would also urge the PUL community to scan the parades commission website for republican parades and if they pass or come close to a, Protestant church, Mission Hall, War Memorial, Cemetery, Orange Hall/Loyal Order Hall, school or close to a PUL area etc, we should put in an objection to the parades commission.

We should ensure that no republican band is glorifying terrorism with its name displays of weapons on bass drums and or banners. They must have the name of the band on both sides of the bass drum and no signs of weaponry, and they must not have uniforms that resemble paramilitary uniforms, and no covering of faces with scarves.

We must ensure that no republican parade has weapons, even if they are allegedly legally held replica weapons. We should demand that weapons are banned from the parade irrespective of their use in alleged republican street theatre. No republican banner must depict terrorists with or without weapons.

All the above is part of the parades commission code of conduct.

Now the main point of the post, we should ask the Roman Catholic church to clarify their position on the use of Roman Catholic church property for political demonstrations, terrorist commemorations and parades? 

With specific reference to the hunger strike parades and rallies, Easter rising parades, political rallies by Sinn Fein/IRA, the INLA and all the other republican terror and para political groupings.

As the Roman Catholic church has not halted any of these political demonstrations, terrorist commemorations and parades. We can only conclude that they must approve the use of their properties for these activities by these groupings? At no time do I ever recall the Roman Catholic Church coming out and stating that they were banning these groupings or activities from their property.

Lets remind ourselves of what these groupings and activities are like. There are people dressed in paramilitary uniforms, there are political speeches , there are republican bands named after terrorists playing sectarian music, there are banners and photographs depicting republican terrorists, there are people holding alleged decommissioned weapons and there are republican terrorist memorials all on or taking place at or on Roman Catholic church property.

Does the Roman Catholic primate of Ireland Sean Brady sanction this use personally or does he delegate this responsibility down to his bishops and do they section the use of their property for these events???

Do they also approve the use of their church buildings for republican bands to practice in? Republican bands that are named after republican terrorists???

Will they clarify their position on the use of Roman Catholic church property with the displays and activities mentioned above? Will they confirm if they regard these activities as non-sectarian and not glorifying terrorism? And do they consider these activities, fit and proper activities to take place on Roman Catholic church property and do they perceive these activities as nonsectarian and not anti Protestant Unionist and Loyalist???

We should also remember that Easter and Easter Sunday is the most important celebration in the Christian calendar. It is the time when the Lord Jesus died so we might be saved, it is a time of peace and forgiveness. Yet all over the island of Ireland the Roman Catholic church allows its property to be used for sectarian terrorist glorification and political rabble rousing.

All of which does not fit in with the Easter message or the church of Rome's alleged ethos of peace, forgiveness and sanctity of life!!!
If and when we get these answers we can then watch the BBC, the Belfast Telegraph, the Irish News, Sinn Fein, the (shinners lite) SDLP, the irrational parades commission, the Roman Catholic church, the PSNI and Uncle Tom Cobley. Dance on pinheads condoning the acts above.

We should also ensure the media are reminded of these activities at every opportunity.

We need these question asked of the Roman Catholic Church .
Would the much acclaimed alleged religion of peace the Roman Catholic Church, specifically the Roman Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Down and Connor Noel Treanor. The same diocese which St Patrick's church in Donegall Street belongs to. The same church which was at the center of a claim of sectarian offence, which was allegedly perpetrated when, and there is no disputing this fact the chapel was closed and empty and no service was taking place and the priest was out of the country?
Do they condone the use of Milltown cemetery for the activities mentioned above.

Does Sean Brady the Roman Catholic primate of Ireland or Bishop of Down and Connor Noel Treanor or his trustees give his or their permission for the use of Miltown cemetery for terrorist veneration and glorification and sectarian political rallies?

With that permission we can only then assume that Sean Brady, Noel Treanor and the trustees of Milltown, approve and condone the use of Roman Catholic Church property for acts of sectarian paramilitary displays, terrorist glorification, terrorist memorials and political speeches?

Can they confirm if they think that Roman Catholic Church property the correct and a fitting place for memorials to IRA/INLA and other Irish republican terrorists? Memorials that glorify the murderous acts of sectarian Irish republican terrorists, who murdered not only Protestants but their fellow Roman Catholics???

Do Sean Brady and Connor Noel Treanor condone the use of Miltown cemetery as a fitting place for political parties namely Sinn Fein and other Irish republican para-political groupings that are aligned to Irish republican terrorist organizations to hold political rallies???

Do Sinn Fein feel this is an appropriate use of Roman Catholic Church property and do Sinn Fein consider their actions in Miltown cemetery and all other Roman Catholic Church property that is similarly used for the glorification of sectarian Irish republican terrorist killers throughout Northern Ireland and the RoI as non-offensive??? As non offensive say as playing outside an empty chapel perhaps???

We ask all these question because Miltown cemetery is owned and administrated by the Roman Catholic dioceses of Down and Connor???

We would further like to ask the Roman Catholic Bishop of Derry to confirm if he approves and condones the use of Roman Catholic Church property for Irish republican bands to practice in? In particular Irish republican bands named after Irish republican sectarian murdering terrorists. The republican band in this instance is the Kevin Lynch memorial flute band, named in honour of an INLA terrorist, and prisoner who committed suicide while in prison.

Kevin Lynch’s terrorist group the INLA were responsible for the Darkly massacre. A gang of INLA sectarian murdering terrorist burst into a small isolated Protestant Mission Hall near the border. And as the congregation of God Fearing defenceless men, women and children were singing hymns. They indiscriminately shot into the congregation. Killing three of the congregation and injuring many more.

This INLA branded republican band uses St. Canice's Church Hall, Dungiven. Again we must ask is this an appropriate venue for the INLA terrorist supporting republican band to practice their sectarian, anti-Unionist, Protestant, Loyalist music and ethos. And does the Roman Catholic church consider this a non-sectarian and non-offensive use of their Roman Catholic church buildings???

Here is a sectarian if not illegal part of the INLA Kevin Lynch bands website. It asks the visitor which Irish republican paramilitary grouping would you join??? The IRA, INLA, CIRA or the RIRA. All of these terrorist organisations have carried out many sectarian murders of Protestant, Unionist and Loyalist men, women and children.

If the Roman Catholic Church is consistent in it’s condemnation and revulsion at all displays of sectarianism then surely the Roman Catholic authorities must act with immediate effect to remove any and all displays and stop the use of their property for sectarian purposes. These must include all Irish republican parades be they paramilitary or political that assemble at or raily at any Roman Catholic church property.

We have seen Roman Catholic Church property used on many occasions as the assembly or finishing point for republican marchers. Where men and women in paramilitary style uniforms, some with their faces covered and wearing dark glasses (in effect hiding their identity) and others who are carrying weapons.

Has the Roman Catholic Church ever considered that the Protestant, Unionist Loyalist community would not find these sectarian paramilitary terrorist displays and activities on Roman Catholic Church property as anything other than sectarian and offensive? The same offence they allegedly took at a band playing allegedly offensive tunes outside one of their closed and empty chapels.

Offence is not the exclusive preserve of Roman Catholic’s, republicans or nationalists. Do we as the Protestant Unionist and Loyalist community not deserve the same respect from the Roman Catholic authorities that they are demanding of the Protestant, Unionist and Loyalist and Loyal Order community???

In the video below members of the republican Sinn Fein, can be seen marching around Dublin in full view of the Irish police the Garda, in paramilitary uniforms with masks and dark classes, in an attempt to hide their identities. I would suggest that if this was a Loyal Order march or a Loyalist march in the republic of Ireland the Garda would be straight in and arrested those taking part. But as this is a republican march they are apparently given the republics approval by the inaction of the republics police force.

Off the wall thinking!!!

I have been traveling along the Falls road these last few days and it struck me that there are several chapels St Pauls at the corner of Cavendish Street and the Falls, and further up the Falls St John’s, opposite the City Cemetery.

I then thought to myself do republican bands who pass these and other chapels and cemeteries and who use other Roman Catholic owned and consecrated properties. Are they required to play Hymns?

We have been told that Roman Catholic chapels and property have a special place in terms of respect because of the sacraments contained therein and their cemeteries are consecrated or holy ground. This special place status does not extend to Protestant churches?

Therefore if it is correct that only loyalist bands are required to play Hymns when passing such places is this not discriminatory? Shouldn't republican bands be required to play Hymns outside Roman Catholic chapels and on their property? After all republican tunes about IRA terrorist activities should be as abhorrent to the Roman Catholic church as the alleged famine song? After all it’s about RESPECT!!!

I was always told that respect was something that must be earned. Respect is a funny thing these days; we have a Roman Catholic priest, his congregation and Sinn Fein politicos demanding respect for their chapels.
Yet the same diocese that these chapels belongs to, has allowed its property to be used for many years and several times a year for all the differing types of IRA and Irish republican groups, to hold terrorist displays, commemorations and republican political rabble-rousing.

Strange thing to demand respect from one community for playing tunes outside one of your closed and empty chapels. Yet that very same churches hierarchy go out of their way to disrespect the other community by allowing their owned and administrated property to be used for terrorist displays, commemorations and political speeches.

Strange thing respect; I seem to remember a bible story, about “first taking the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye”!

And then there’s a quote by George Herbert, “Whose house is of glass must not throw stones at another”!

Strange religion the religion of Rome they are quick to take offence from others yet not so quick to recognize their offence to others, log and speck in a glass house comes to mind!!!!

Isn't that right Sean Brady and Noel Treanor!!!

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